Letter is a very important tool to communicate with other people. People who cannot speak directly to the one they are communicating they express their feelings through writing a letter. Love letter is very common to the teenagers; they believe that in writing a letter they can express their feeling to somebody. Letter is very powerful; if you are a good writer you can do many great things. For the poetic, easiest, journalists and editors letter is the best way to communicate people; though writing a letter the message and idea that they want to convey to somebody could be express properly.
There are two types of letter. One is social letter and the other one is a business letter. Social letter is focus more on friendship; it could be a form of a love letter, birthday letter, invitation letter, thank you letter and even for making letter of sympathy for a friend. Business letter is a letter that dealing with different transaction of your business to the business of the others or even a transaction from one company to the other company. Unlike social letter business letter is direct to the point no more flowering words.
There are five parts in social letter:
Heading – this is write down in the right upper part of your paper. The address of the sender is place here as well as the date on when he/she write the letter.
Greetings – this is write down in the left part of your paper. The name of the receiver is place here.
Body of the letter – this is the longest part of your letter. All the idea that you want to express is place here.
Closing remarks – it can be seen in the right down part of your paper. This is your last greetings.
Signature – this is the senders name.