The Importance of Customer Service:
Customers are said to be the most valuable assets of a business, without the customers the business would not be grow. The customer is always right; this is the general principle of all types of business. Customers must treat and value like a diamond, losing customers means losing business. The customers are the business of the enterprise; therefore all employees should be trained in dealing customers services. Proper training of employees may lead to satisfy your customers. Here are some approaches in customer service:
1.) Employees must practice courtesy. If customers feels that he did not treated well he will not usually go back in your store. If the salesperson did not pay attention to his/her customer, it will irritate the customer. It reduces customers’ satisfaction, wasted for long time in getting the product.
2.) Give value to your customer. Always remember that the customers who give business enterprise. Customer is the lifeblood of the business. Your business comes to nothing without a customer. Treat your customer well. If possible refund money or replaces goods and services without questioning if they feel that they are not satisfied.
3.) Bare in your mind, customers tell others about their experience if they are dissatisfied. If the customers are dissatisfied he will tell to others that your business treat customers poorly.
4.) Listen to others about your business. Listen to the opinion of your adviser, family and friends. Evaluate what you hear.