Servant is one who must “wear not only a human face” but above all he must “wear a human heart”. The servant leader is a servant first. In other words he must be a person of compassion first and leader first are two extreme types. The difference manifest in the care taken by servant first to make sure that other people’s highest priority needs are being served. The servant first leader makes sure that those who are served grow as a persons. While being they become healthier, wiser, freer more autonomous, and more likely themselves to become servants, and the effect on the least privileged in society in that they will be beneficial and not further deprived.
Now we ask the question: Servant and leader can these two roles be fused in one real person, in all levels of status of calling? If so, can that person live and be productive in the real world at the present? My answer is yes, and that is possible by taking Jesus as the model. He himself who is the Servant Leader.
Servant – Leader is Jesus’ master principle. For him the essence of leadership is:
1. That Kingdom leadership is in contrast to worldly patterns, in so far as they involve ‘lording it over” other.
2. That Kingdom leadership is internally consistent with the very nature of a community, which seeks to live in Christ where greatness is ranked by service,
3. That Kingdom leadership takes ultimate model from “the Son of Man who did not come to be serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”