Any organization needs for employees’ management, employees are asset of the company. The better the employees you have the more chances of getting more profit. The efficient use of the material resources of any organization depends on how well it is utilized by its personnel manpower. There are no organization can be effective without employees’ management. The success of any forms of business is depending upon on how human resources managed. In every firm, employees should be properly chosen so that the job assigned to them will be suitable to their qualifications. You should remember that faulty selection of employees may result to inefficient work. Employees’ management is needed if all personnel are to be given equal opportunity for advancement in any institution. Incentives and rewards should be observed so that employees will be motivated to their best. Not only for those who excel but you must motivate and encourage your employees who did not reach the standard of your company. The more you encourage those people the more they will try their best as regards to time, cost quantity and quality in the performance of their work. Employee management is the way to reach the objectives and goals of your company.