Thursday, April 7, 2011

OLPC 2012 XO-3 Concept features

Designer Yves Behar has revealed his latest concept design for the now-aiming-for-$75 vision, and it’s all screen. The  OLPC 2012 XO-3 Concept features an 8.5 x 11 touch screen, a folding ring in the corner for better grip, a camera at the back and it supports generation charging.The OLPC 2012 XO-3 Concept is similar to the original model, but it’s more of a tablet than a standard laptop. What’s really inspiring is that designer Yves Behar hopes that this OLPC perception will be accessible for as low as $75, an unbelievable price tag for any PC. This new model will just throw all other gadgets taste mud. It will be accelerating in speed, over all design i.e. the super sleep look, almost like putting plain flat screen on your table! It is designed in such a way that all the software's and hardware's are inbuilt except the keyboard so that it maintains its sleek side.This is quite a thin device, its waistline being half the one of an iPhone. Also, we learn that this is a multi touch tablet, which will become genuine in 2012. To keep things minimal the plan is to use Palm Pre-style induction charging, and less than a watt of power to keep an “8 gigaherz [sic]” (800MHz?) processor and a Pixel Qi screen powered. At half the thickness of an iPhone, this vision is obviously banking heavily on presumed technology advances by 2012 (the projected release date), but it’s not too hard to see somebody making this form factor happen by then-ish.
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